Add Tibet to your summer travel bucketlist

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Asia–with its array of vibrant cultures–including some of the oldest civilizations on earth(!), breathtaking landscapes, and endless variety of experiences for any type of traveler–is back. And, as travel to Asia picks up among U.S. tourists, so do the floodgates of opportunity when thinking about where to book a trip on the largest continent in the world.

When looking for a destination for spiritual exploration, cultural heritage, and awe-inspiring landscapes–look no further than Tibet. From visiting iconic landmarks such as Potala Palace–the former winter residence of the Dalai Lama until 1959, UNESCO World Heritage Site, and symbol of Tibetan Buddhism–to visiting local monasteries, speaking with local monks, and soaking in picturesque views from Yamdrok Lake–Tibet is a bucket-list destination for scenic beauty, spiritual pilgrimage, and more.

See below for three reasons to add Tibet to your summer travel list now:

To connect with nature during an ideal time this June. June is among the best months of the year for a holiday in Tibet, with plenty of warm sunshine and average daytime temperatures ranging from ~50-75 degrees. It’s the perfect time to avoid the rush of peak season in the fall and truly indulge in the picturesque landscapes. Find once-in-a-lifetime sightings (from a safe distance) of native Tibetan wildlife such as the snow leopard, bengal tiger and golden monkey. Travelers will also be able to fully appreciate the history and ancient traditions the country holds, like traditional pottery making that has been passed down over 2,000 years and preparing Thangka paintings, which are revered as the encyclopedia of Tibetan culture.

To learn how to meditate through a true Tibetan meditation practitioner who has achieved enlightenment. For many, this once-in-a lifetime experience can–and should–be brought to life this summer. At Songtsam Resorts, the Songtsam meditation lineage taught to guests has been passed down by generations from Tibetan meditation practitioners who have achieved enlightenment. Their methods show travelers how to train their minds for mental, physical, and deep holistic healing. Furthermore, Songtsam offers specific meditation and mental healing packagesfor discerning travelers who seek a retreat to reset their headspace.

To support and preserve Tibetan culture. Staying at locally owned hotels–and indulging in its local programming–can help to support and preserve Tibetan communities. Songtsam Resorts, founded by former documentary filmmaker, Mr. Baima Duoji, offers an array of award-winning, luxury hotels and lodges. Inspired by his roots, Mr. Duoji has instilled in Songtsam a strong commitment to sustainability and the economic development of the local communities by focusing his resorts’ programming on activities that offer the true Tibetan experience. Through many avenues, travelers who stay with Songtsam will gain a new-found appreciation for the Tibetan way of life and experience something like never before.



The post Add Tibet to your summer travel bucketlist appeared first on Travel Daily Media.


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