Decoding the Algorithm: Boosting Your Visibility with Instagram Likes

Whether it was Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, the people in your network posted their thoughts and you were able to read them.

Then, everything changed.

Now, instead of seeing everything in chronological order in your news feed about what everyone has posted, an algorithm is used to decide what content should be shared with you. This means that you might not see everything that your followers or groups post.

While on the surface this seems absurd, it is all powered by an algorithm. Every social media platform has one and Instagram’s algorithm works in a similar way.

Basically, Instagram wants to only show you content that you are interested in. This means that if you never stop to read what a friend from high school or that second cousin that you barely remember posts, then you will see a lot fewer of their posts.

Conversely, you may see new posts on your Instagram feed that aren’t from your network. Instagram does this to broaden your network and find new content that may interest you.

The bottom line is that even if you have a large Instagram following, this does not automatically mean that everyone who follows you will see your posts.

While this can be disheartening at first, once you know and accept the fact that Instagram’s algorithm is so powerful, you can work within the system, using all your creative and innovative tools, including the ability to buy engagement from services like SocialsUp. The more knowledge you have about the algorithm, the more you can make it work for you and better build your brand.

How Does Instagram’s Algorithm Work?

The goal of Instagram is to have you spend as much time on the social media platform as possible. To do so, it curates content so you continue to scroll through the app, even when you’re supposed to be working or sleeping.

Every time you engage in an Instagram post or video, which includes liking something, watching something, or sharing something, Instagram takes note. It subdivides the categories of this content so that you always see similar posts as to what you have previously engaged in.

Along the way, the Instagram algorithm will suggest new content for you to look at. This content is usually similar to previous content you have engaged in but might be slightly different. If you click on the new content, the algorithm will add these details to your profile.

If you don’t click on the new content, Instagram won’t show you similar posts again but instead will try different categories until it finds something you do like.

Is There a Simple Formula?

While the Instagram algorithm is shrouded in mystery and Instagram has no plans on sharing how it works or what the next evolutions will be, there is some basic information we can learn from previous experience.

The simplest form of the Instagram algorithm is that the more user engagement there is, the more a post will be shared. This engagement includes likes, comments, shares, and views.

Not only will Instagram share these popular posts within your follower group but there is a greater chance that it will share your post to new people outside your network. This is especially important if you are a business that wants to grow its follower count.

Recent Changes to the Algorithm

Now that AI has gotten smarter, Instagram’s algorithm is learning faster. There are different types of content you can create on Instagram and these have a different weight when it comes to the algorithm. Now, this does not mean that one part of Instagram, such as stories, will be featured more than others, such as the news feed.

Instead, it means that the updated algorithm is actually two different algorithms. Your news feed is monitored separately from your reels. This is because we have different viewing patterns when it comes to watching Instagram videos versus looking at Instagram posts.

This is actually good news as it means you can post a variety of content and not worry that one is inherently better than the other.

Why Likes Are so Powerful

It just takes one click to gather a whole lot of information. Instagram likes are still one of the most powerful tools to kickstart the algorithm. A post that has a few likes can quickly snowball into a post that has thousands of likes if the right tools are used.

First, when a post has a couple of likes, it shows that at least two or three other people have found value in the post. This automatically sends a signal to your brain that you should stop and see what is happening. Then, when you add that like, other people will see the number increase, which means even more people will stop to view the content.

The more people who like an Instagram post, the more Instagram will want to promote that post. Then, more people outside your followers will see the post, will like that post, and hopefully, will like your Instagram page.

Easy Strategies to Get More Instagram Likes

Now that we understand how important Instagram likes are, it’s time to form a strategy to garner more likes. These are all easy tips that anyone can do, even if you are short on time and energy.

High Quality Content

When you create content, make sure it is interesting. Having a content strategy means you can plan ahead in your content calendar and ensure that everything you post has some relevance to it. In fact, if you have a posting schedule, you can take a lot of the worry out of your planning as it will help you concentrate on what needs to be done and not an endless supply of posts.

The more planning you can do with your account, the better your content will be. While it’s fine to post something on the spur of the moment, most business accounts plan their posts days, if not weeks, in advance.

This way you can select specific types of content for different days and use the correct hashtags to go along with them.


When using hashtags, think about both your target audience and the broader audience on Instagram. For example, if you are posting a video that has animals in it, you can use a simple hashtag for dogs. But you should also use a more specific hashtag that either relates specifically to your brand or to a current trend around dogs.

Check out trending hashtags and try to use these as soon as possible. If you miss a trend, don’t worry as they come around often. If you’re always a week late to using a trending hashtag, your account will seem stuffy and old, unlike other, more relevant accounts.

User Engagement

If the Instagram algorithm works properly, users can spend hours mindlessly scrolling. Time seems to pass more quickly when you’re immersed in short videos and engaging content. An engaged audience will spend more time looking at a post or video, will comment or like your post, and will share your content.

Pay attention to the engagement metrics of your post. This data tells you what posts work the best, which will allow you to replicate them in the future. Such posts are also good candidates for paid promotion.

If a post is already getting organic interest from your followers, you can then pay to promote it through Meta’s advertising options. You can also go through a third party to purchase more likes on that post, which will then help it become viral.


Remember that you are not alone in this journey. If your Instagram performance isn’t as strong as you would like it to be, try reaching out to other people in your space. While top influencers are often too busy to communicate with new start-ups, there are plenty of other options.

Look for similar Instagram feeds that are in your space or adjacent to them. Then, reach out to see if they would be willing to answer some of your questions. If these people are in direct competition with you, they might not be willing but if they have a similar space, they may be more open to it.

Follower growth may be key but it can take a village to get there. If you ask questions and listen to what others have to say, you can see success much faster.

Using Instagram Features to Get More Likes

Instagram is more than just a place to post pictures. In fact, one of the reasons why it has 1.4 billion global users is that Instagram is constantly innovating its user experience. When starting on your Instagram journey, be sure to use all the tools available. This will help you create compelling content that consistently shows up on a user’s feed.

Instagram stories

Instagram stories are important to use but you need to be aware that they are automatically deleted after 14 hours. This means that if you are posting a how-to video or an informative post that you want people to come back to over and over again, then stories is not the right medium.

Instead, an Instagram story is perfect if you want to catch your users’ attention by giving them immediate information, such as a day in the life history. For those who have a personal Instagram page, stories are a good option if you don’t want pictures of your children to be stored on social media forever.

Polls and Questions

One easy and fun way to increase your Instagram presence is by posting polls and questions. Keep the polls light but interesting so that you can attract more people. You can even use relevant hashtags to spread the poll to new users. The more people who interact with the poll, the more it will be shown.

Be sure to follow up on your polls and questions. For example, if you ask people what kind of content they want to view, then be sure to add more of this type. By consistently engaging with your followers, you can curate an Instagram account that they are interested in viewing.

Instagram Reels

In an effort for Instagram to stay ahead of current social media trends, Instagram reels were created. These are short, 15-second videos. Instagram reels should be funny and often use snippets of popular music to draw people in.

There are many editing tools you can use in an Instagram reel, so play around with them to see what is on offer. Simply open the Instagram app and try things out. If it’s terrible, you can always delete it before anyone sees it.

Instagram Live

Even though most people scroll through their Instagram feed throughout the day, many people will check it at specific times if there is a live event. In fact, if you have the right audience, you can capitalize on Instagram Live.

This feature is most useful if you are hosting a live answering session. That way, Instagram users can submit their questions and you can answer them in real time.

There is no shortage of video content available online so having a live feature adds intrigue. Just be sure to heavily promote your Instagram live video so that as many people as possible view it. Also try to schedule it at a time when you will have more users able to watch it.

For example, look at the time zone that most of your Instagram followers live in and then schedule a live video for nighttime, after everyone has finished work.

Ways to Analyze and Adapt Your Strategy for the Instagram Algorithm

When you’re first starting out, it’s okay to try a bunch of things and not worry about Instagram’s algorithm. In fact, this is a time when you should have fun and experiment. Then, you can use Instagram insights to better reflect on your posts and learn what is working and what isn’t.

Go over posts from the past few weeks. Look at the content posted and analyze how many people looked at that content and interacted with it, such as liking or commenting. If your post or video includes a link, be sure to track how many people clicked on it, which is especially important if you are trying to sell something from that link.

While you should spend time analyzing all your Instagram data, it’s okay to take a break from it all. Your Instagram account should be reflective of who you are and if you want to post something that isn’t going to reach every corner of the Internet, that’s okay. Always stay true to your brand’s image and ethos so that you can be proud of what you have created.


Instagram’s algorithm can seem overwhelming but once you start to understand it, you can use it to work with your feed posts and not against them. Start by understanding your target audience and then create a content strategy that will appeal to the people who already follow you.

Once you have meaningful interactions, you will start to see your audience grow as the Instagram algorithm kicks in and shares your posts with other Instagram users who are not in your network.

The more you use Instagram insights to see what is working, especially for your business account, the better you can curate your content to get the best results. If all this is still confusing, remember that the easiest marker of success is how many likes your posts get.



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