EXO Travel releases sustainability guide for 2024

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Bangkok-based EXO Travel released the latest edition of its annual Guide to Sustainability which explored how travel choices impact the environment.

This year’s focus offers insights on how travel advisors can guide their clients into making more responsible decisions regarding destinations and host communities.

According to EXO chief purpose officer Alexandra Michat: “Our 2024 Sustainability Guide is a reflection of this philosophy, its purpose is to inspire our partners and clients as well as to provide them with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed choices.”

Michat added that the guide reflects EXO Travel’s belief that every trip they organise has the potential to shape a sustainable future for the destinations and the  communities travellers visit.

Empowering travel advisors and their clients 

EXO’s annual sustainability guide empowers travel advisors to design impactful journeys that leave a lasting positive impact.

This annual report features a curated selection of responsible travel experiences across EXO’s eleven destinations.

EXO’s Travel for Good framework serves as the criteria for vetting such experiences. This framework is a comprehensive and user-friendly categorisation scheme designed to make finding responsible travel options easy.

The post EXO Travel releases sustainability guide for 2024 appeared first on Travel Daily Media.


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