Product watch: VION solar control films from Architextural

Hotel Designs
Product watch: VION solar control films from Architextural

Product watch: VION solar control films from Architextural
Architextural enhances the hotel experience with VION Solar Control Films…

With VION Solar Control Films by Architextural, hotels can achieve the perfect balance between natural light and indoor climate control. Not only do these films help create an inviting ambiance, but they also contribute to significant energy savings by reducing the need for artificial cooling. It’s an investment that pays dividends in guest satisfaction and operational costs.

Image credit: Architextural

Imagine a film so advanced it tackles the twin challenges of heat management and glare reduction with ease. That’s the promise of VION Solar Control Films, achieved through two fundamental mechanisms:

Reflective Technology: Some VION window films boast reflective technology, bouncing back the sun’s heat with microscopic metallic particles. The result? A cooler interior without heavy reliance on air conditioning.

Absorption and Dissipation Technology: Other VION films harness the power to absorb solar energy, turning it into a whisper of heat that’s evenly dissipated. This keeps indoor temperatures stable, offering a consistently pleasant environment for your guests.

Here’s what makes VION Solar Control Films a game-changer for hotels:

Slash Energy Bills: These films are a shield against the sun’s heat, helping to keep your spaces naturally cooler and reducing the need for air conditioning.

Guest Comfort: Create an oasis for your guests, free from the sun’s intense heat and glare, ensuring their stay is nothing but comfortable.

UV Ray Protection: With up to 99 per cent UV radiation blockage, these films safeguard health and extend the lifespan of your interior décor.

Minimal Upkeep: Once installed, VION Solar Control Films stand the test of time with little to no maintenance required.

Image credit: Architextural

For the ultimate performance and durability of your VION Solar Control Films, professional installation is key. The certified experts from the Architextural Installer Network bring precision to the table, ensuring flawless application and offering warranties for your peace of mind. They’ll guide you to the perfect film choice for every corner of your hotel, marrying energy efficiency with style.

Architextural is one of our Recommended Suppliers and regularly features in our Supplier News section of the website. If you are interested in becoming one of our Recommended Suppliers, please email Katy Phillips.

Main image credit: Architextural

Product watch: VION solar control films from Architextural
Megan Christopher.

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