REIS21: Norway’s ambitious plan to lead the world in sustainable travel

OSLO, NORWAY – The tourism industry faces many of the same challenges as other sectors but is characterized by relatively little research and innovation. Therefore, the Tourism 2030 strategy group was commissioned by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to propose research and innovation measures on how the tourism industry can develop more sustainably and create activity across the country. On Monday, June 3, the report was presented to Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth.

“The government has high ambitions for the tourism industry. The tourism industry is important for almost all of the country’s municipalities, and about 180,000 people work in tourism. There is great potential here. The proposals from Tourism 2030 are part of several government initiatives for the tourism sector, which we will consider as we continue to develop the tourism industry. I look forward to reviewing the proposals,” says Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries tasked Innovation Norway to serve as the secretariat for the Tourism 2030 strategy group in the winter of 2023. The work has been conducted as an inclusive process, with the strategy group receiving input and perspectives from over 40 stakeholders from the tourism industry, networks, destination and regional companies, county councils and municipalities, volunteer organizations and environmental organizations, as well as research environments and educational institutions.

The mandate for Tourism 2030 references the National Tourism Strategy developed by Innovation Norway in 2021. The strategy identified five key areas crucial for the development of the tourism industry towards 2030: smart digitalization, green transition, services & technology, increased value creation (competitiveness through high quality and high customer value), and valuable jobs.

Major Export Industry

Norway’s international position in tourism has strengthened in recent years, and Norwegian tourist destinations have received considerable international attention. Tourism is a major export industry and is one of the focuses of the export reform “All of Norway Exports.”

“Tourism is a major export industry. There is increasing demand for sustainable travel destinations and authentic experiences. Norway can become a world-leading destination for sustainable tourism. I want us to develop a more competitive and profitable tourism industry that creates year-round jobs across the country,” says the Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth.

The government is working systematically on several areas of focus in tourism policy. Overall, the agenda it is about developing profitable products and an attractive tourism experiences in Norway, developing Norwegian destinations in a more sustainable direction, and strategically developing international marketing efforts.

The article REIS21: Norway’s ambitious plan to lead the world in sustainable travel first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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