Storrs Hall to build new boathouse despite opposition

Storrs Hall is set to build a new boathouse after receiving planning permission from the The Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA).

The hotel’s plans were initially denied by the LDNPA but have now been granted upon appeal.

It can now proceed to build a two-bedroom boathouse, complete with a minimal, non-ramped channel leading to the wet dock area of the boathouse and new external jetty.

This new development will be an addition to the existing boathouse, a one-bedroom property complete with a large outdoor terrace which houses a hot tub, fire pit, seating, and a lily pond.

Planning officers were in favour of the development when it was initially submitted in September last year.

They said in a statement: “The proposed development would be acceptable in principle and would be of an appropriate design and scale, that reflects the character of the area and conserves the setting of the designated heritage assets and amenity value of the surrounding woodland.”

With that being said members of the development control committee for the LDNPA unanimously refused the application.

The reasoning given was: “The proposed boathouse by reason of its design, scale and form, particularly the size, levels of glazing and prominence of the first-floor guest accommodation, would fail to reflect the traditional character and appearance of vernacular boathouses.

“The proposals would contribute towards the incremental spread of development along this undeveloped section of the Windermere lakeshore, within the open countryside.”

However, now a planning inspector has concluded the proposed development would not conflict with the development plan.

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